Panicked and Fainted
Citation:   Danny. "Panicked and Fainted: An Experience with Cocaine (exp87563)". Feb 24, 2011.

1/3 g insufflated Cocaine (powder / crystals)
The first time I did coke it was a very small amount with cannabis. It felt good, but I never did any again until 1 year later.

That night my friend gave me a line that was about 1/3g in one line. I had no idea what a good amount was. I took it and almost immediately started sweating, head was spinning, i fell to my knees and tried to vomit but everything was moving too fast. I couldnt think or tell what the hell was going on. Eventually I found myself outside the club laying on the ground... apparently i had passed out in the stall and the bouncer carried me out... embarrassing!

I have realised since then that my body chemistry has a severe intolerance to stimulants. I can drink a very small amount of caffeine and feel very awake. A whole cup will cause anxiety.

I have much more fun doing small amounts over a long period to help stay awake, than trying to get totally spazzed out and nonfunctional.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 87563
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Feb 24, 2011Views: 15,156
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Cocaine (13) : Overdose (29), Difficult Experiences (5), Club / Bar (25)

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